一名女性57岁过敏性鼻炎患者,取迎香、上迎香、上星、印堂、攒竹、风池、天突、外关、合谷、足三里、肾俞、太溪针刺,行针得气后,在迎香、足三里施温针灸.2个疗程结束后诸症消除,荨麻疹、哮喘在治疗期间也未发作.为巩固疗效又坚持治疗1个疗程.随访半年未见复发.“,”A case of allergic rhinitis treated with warming-needle moxibustion was introduced.A 57-year old patient with allergic rhinitis for more than 10 years was treated.Yíngxiāng(迎香 LI 20),Shàngyíngxiāng (上迎香 EX-HN8),Shàngxīng(上星 GV 23),Yìntáng (印堂 EX-HN3),Cuánzh(u)(攒竹 BL 2),Fēngchí(风池 GB 20),Tiānt(u)(天突 CV 22),Wàiguān(外关 TE 5),Hég(u)(合LI 4),Z(u)sānlǐ(足三里 ST 36),Shensh(u) (肾俞 BL 23) and Tàixī(太溪 KI 3)were punctured.After deqi,warming-needle moxibustion was performed at LI 20 and ST 36.After treatment for 2 courses,all the symptoms disappeared without relapse of urticaria or asthma during treatment.Another 1 course of treatment was conducted additionally for consolidating the curative effect.No relapse was found during the follow-up visit half a year after treatment.