2003年4月11日,韩国东海岸蔚山市的现代重工造船厂的船台上彩旗招展,人声鼎沸。韩国海军第二艘KDX-Ⅱ级导弹驱逐舰“文武大王”号(Moonmu the Great)的下水典礼隆重举行。韩国总统卢武铉、国防部长李俊及海军司令李永松上将、参联会主席李南信上将等军政要员均出席了庆典活动,可见韩国高层对“文武大王”号导弹驱逐舰极为重视。当香槟酒瓶撞向舰艏、“文武大王”号缓缓滑入海中之际,韩国人的“大洋海军”梦想又向现实迈出了坚实的一步。韩国政府计划在2012年
On April 11, 2003, the buildup of the berths of the Hyundai Heavy Industries Shipyard in Ulsan, on the east coast of South Korea, filled with voices. The launching ceremony of Moonmu the Great, the second KDX-Ⅱ missile destroyer of the South Korean Navy, was held ceremoniously. ROK President Roh Moo-hyun, Defense Minister Li Jun and Navy Commander Li Yongsong, President of the Association Chairman Li Nansin and other military and government officials attended the celebration activities. This shows that top Korean officials attach great importance to the “war on civilians” missile destroyer. When champagne bottles crashed into warships and the “civil and military King” slipped slowly into the sea, the South Korean dream of “navy and navy” has taken a solid step toward reality. South Korean government plans in 2012