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由于目前二手车市场相关法律法规,流通和销售流程尚不健全,加之事故车、报废车大量流入市场,致使消费者对二手车质量存在疑虑的比例高达90%以上。据统计,目前国内已交易的二手车中80%以上的车辆曾发生过轻重不一的碰撞事 Due to the current laws and regulations on second-hand car market, the distribution and sales process is still not complete. In addition, accidents vehicles and scrapped cars enter the market in large quantities, causing consumers to have more than 90% doubts about the quality of used vehicles. According to statistics, at present, more than 80% of used vehicles that have been traded in China have collided with light and heavy vehicles