为适应新形势的需要 ,解决在改革开放不断深入、市场经济不断发展中药品监督管理工作出现的新情况、新问题 ,加大对制售假劣药品的打击力度 ,修订后的《药品管理法》第三十五条、第九十五条分别做出了药品质量抽查检验不收费和药检机构不得参与药品生产经营活动的规定。无疑 ,
In order to meet the needs of the new situation, solve the new situation and new problems that emerged during the reform and opening up and the continuous development of market economy in drug supervision and management, and crack down efforts on the manufacture and sale of counterfeit drugs, the revised Drug Administration Law Article 35 and Article 95 respectively stipulate that there is no fee for the random inspection of drug quality and the drug testing institution shall not be involved in the production and operation of pharmaceutical products. No doubt,