由宋蜀华和满都尔图两位民族学界领军人物担任主编的《中国民族学五十年 :1 94 9-1 999》 ,历经四年的精心撰写与修订 ,已于 2 0 0 4年 4月由人民出版社出版 ,全书约 4 3万字。该书由中国民族学学会组织 7位资深学者执笔 ,2 1位来自全国各地的著名学者担任编委。这无疑是近半个
The 50 Years of Chinese Ethnology: 1994-1999-1999, edited by two scholars of ethnic ethnology including Song Shuhua and Mandurtu, elaborately edited and revised in four years since April 2004 Published by People’s Publishing House, the book is about 43,000 words. The book was written by seven senior scholars organized by China Ethnology Society and 21 famous scholars from all over the country served as Editorial Board. This is undoubtedly nearly half