宝簪琳琅空绾浮华梦 闲谈明皇室簪饰珍宝

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上世纪60年代,神州大地处处血雨腥风,万历帝后三具尸骨被“革命者们”抬到定陵博物馆大红门前的广场上,人声鼎沸中尸骨被大石击得七零八落,一片狼藉。随后熊熊烈焰腾起,广场如一片火海,尸骨在烈焰中“叭叭”炸响。如今,我们只能从那流光溢彩的满目珠翠和宝簪螺髻中,联想万历皇帝朱翊钧和他两位含娇含笑的美人皇后罢。 60s of last century, Divine bloody everywhere, after the Emperor Wanli three carcasses were “revolutionaries” carried Dingding Museum red square in front of the door, the voices of the bones were boulder hit 70 Falling, a mess. Then raging flames, the plaza as a sea of ​​fire, the bones in the flames “horn ” fried sound. Now, we can only from the colorful and pearl Zhuo Boluo Ambillette, Legend Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun and his two beauty Johnson smile with the Queen.