抗甲状腺药物是目前治疗甲状腺机能亢进症的常用方法之一,但在临床上时有毒性反应的发生及复发率较高等局限性,采用中医或中西医结合疗法,可收到良好效果,现简述如下。1 白细胞减少有的甲亢患者在服用抗甲状腺药物后,出现白细胞降至4000/mm~3以下时,则为白细胞减少,若白细胞持续低于3000/mm~3,则应停用抗甲状腺药物,可改用中药治疗,予益气养血法,药用:黄芪15g,首乌12g,鸡血藤12g,龙眼肉15g,阿胶珠6g,白芍12g,生地12g等,白细胞一般可很快恢复,必要时,也可加服利血生、
Antithyroid drugs are currently used to treat hyperthyroidism one of the commonly used methods, but in the clinical occurrence of toxic reactions and higher recurrence rate limitations, the use of traditional Chinese medicine or Integrative Medicine, can receive good results, and now Jane Described below. 1 leukopenia in patients with hyperthyroidism after taking anti-thyroid drugs, white blood cells appear to fall below 4000 / mm ~ 3, then leukopenia, if leukocytes continued to be lower than 3000 / mm ~ 3, anti-thyroid drugs should be discontinued, Medicinal: Astragalus 15g, Radix 12g, Millettia 12g, longan meat 15g, gelatin beads 6g, white peony root 12g, habitat 12g, etc., the general can be quickly restored , If necessary, can also increase profit blood,