火灾统计分析是将火灾统计数据转变为有效信息的一个环节 ,是为决策提供优质服务的切入点 ,是关系到火灾统计工作能否真正发挥对消防管理工作的“指示仪”、“校正器”作用的关键。文章叙述了火灾统计分析的一些相关内容 ,并就改进火灾统计分析进行了探讨。
Fire statistical analysis is a part of transforming fire statistics into effective information, and an entry point for providing quality services for decision-making. It is also an indication of whether fire statistics can really play a role of “indicator” and “corrector” of fire management. The key to the role. The paper describes some related contents of fire statistics analysis and discusses the improvement of fire statistics analysis.