
来源 :中国诗歌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gyqg1q
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在水瓶座的人骨子里天生有一点不安分的因子,生活需要有所期待,需要新鲜的所见所闻所感来刺激和愉悦神经,哪怕一次旅行,或一次网购。常常一个人,一个包,一个破相机就上路了。对于不爱学习的人来说,身体和灵魂最好有一个在路上。每一次行走都是一次小小的精神的洗礼。曾在黔东南的木楼里赏月,在三清山观日出,在婺源的油菜花海中徜徉,在宏村品梅子酒,在鼓浪屿听琴吟,在陕北平原上疾走,在黄河口观瀑布听民谣。我喜欢北方辽阔苍凉的美,也迷失于江南的温婉与秀丽,多少次在异乡的清晨醒来,听着鸡鸣,睁开惺忪的睡眼,看着窗外灰白色的薄雾,我都恍惚以为置身故乡。 In Aquarius bones born a little restless factor, life needs to be expected, you need to fresh and see the smell to stimulate and delight, even if a trip, or a online shopping. Often a person, a bag, a broken camera on the road. For those who do not love learning, the best is the body and soul. Every walk is a small spiritual baptism. In the Southeast of the wooden floor in the moon, watch the sunrise in Sanqingshan, Wuyuan rape in the sea 徜 徉, plum wine in Hongcun, listen to G Yin in Gulangyu, walking in the northern Shaanxi Plain, watching the Falls in the Yellow River Listen to folk songs. I like the vast expanse of beauty in the north, lost in the gentleness and beauty of the south, how many times I woke up in the strange morning, listened to the cock, opened the bleary sleepy eyes and looked out the window at the gray mist, Hometown.
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