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虹膜根部断裂手术治疗的体会吉淑珍(山西省临汾市中西医结合眼科医院,041000)虹膜是具有弹性的组织,在断裂后会自动收缩。其根部起自睫状体,是构成前房角的主要组成部分,如与眼前部组织发生粘连,可致房角闭塞,造成高眼压。由于患者受伤轻重不同,虹膜受伤范... Surgical treatment of iris root rupture Jishu Zhen (Linfen City, Shanxi Province Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, 041000) Iris is a flexible tissue, will automatically shrink after fracture. The root from the ciliary body, is the main component of the anterior chamber angle, such as adhesion with the anterior eye tissue, can cause angle closure, resulting in high intraocular pressure. Due to different severity of injury, iris injury Van ...