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1956年年底,《大众电影》第24期刊出了一则100余字不被人重视的 小消息《中国电影资料馆筹备处在京成立》。这则小消息宣布我国电影档案 事业迈出了第一步,中国电影从此有了自己的专业的档案管理部门。 电影档案事业是整个电影事业的重要组成部分。档案的重要性人人知 道,但因为电影的商品属性,在流通过程中,极易因其失去使用价值而被遗 弃,就连许多艺术珍品也在所不免。另外,声像资料作为档案留存,是在人们 认识到电影是20世纪一门新型艺术之后才意识到的。1938年,国际性的电 影资料档案机构——国际电影资料馆联合会(简称“国资联”)成立。“国资 联”一成立,就在保护电影档案资料上发挥了重要作用。在第二次世界大战 的滚滚硝烟中,国资联及其成员国使5000余部影片档案资料免于战火。中 国电影事业的最大失误莫过于对电影档案事业认识太迟,以致于中华人民 共和国成立之前拍摄的1500余部影片几近荡然无存。经过中国电影资料馆 30余年的努力,连同残缺不全者在内,只收集保存下来15%左右,绝大部分 已毁于各种原因的遗弃。现在只能偶而在书刊中发现它们的痕迹,给电影史 留下莫大的遗憾。 At the end of 1956, the 24th issue of “Popular Movies” published a small piece of news that the 100-word word was not taken seriously. The China Film Archive Preparatory Office was set up in Beijing. This little news announced that China’s movie archives has taken the first step. Chinese film has its own professional file management department. Film and file business is an important part of the movie industry. The importance of the file is well known to everyone, but because of the movie’s merchandise attributes, it is extremely easy to discard the uselessness of its value in the circulation process. Even many art treasures are inevitable. In addition, audio and video data as a file to save, is that people realized that the movie is a new type of art in the 20th century after the realization. In 1938, the international film data archives - the International Film Archive Association (referred to as “SASAC”) was established. The establishment of “State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s Republic of China” has played an important role in protecting the data of movie archives. In World War II, the scandals, SASAC and its member states so that more than 5,000 video files from war. One of the biggest mistakes in the cause of China’s film industry was that it was too late to recognize the cause of the film and file industry and almost 1,500 films shot before the founding of the People’s Republic of China were almost gone. After more than 30 years of hard work by China Film Archive, together with incomplete records, only about 15% of the records have been collected and preserved, and the vast majority have been abandoned for various reasons. Now they can only find their traces in books and magazines occasionally, leaving a great regret for the movie history.
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