短短八天的时间,从第二名掉到第六名,从一心一意夺冠军变成瞻前顾后怕降级,上海申花队颇为离奇的突然萎顿,到现在还是人们议论的话题。1比9败给国安队的结果,更将在中国足球史上留下永难磨灭的一笔。 每个人都在问:“为什么?” 如果必须用一句话来回答,那么回答只能是,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。” 斯托依科夫是头号罪人? 去年底,在徐根宝宣布离开申花队时,这位在申花队度过了辉煌三年的铁腕教练说了这么一番话:“不管新教练是谁,如果申花队能够坚持抓体能、坚持抢逼围的话,他们至少还是前三名;但如果丢掉了体能和抢逼围的话,最后沦落到保级的份上也说不定。” 他的继任者斯托依科夫在听到这番话后,
Just eight days time, fell from the second place to sixth place, from single-minded to win the championship turned into a fear of relegation, Shanghai Shenhua team is rather bizarre sudden wilting, up to now people are still talking about the topic. 1 to 9 defeat to the Guo’an results, but also in the history of Chinese football left a permanent eradication of a stroke. Everyone is asking: “Why?” If you must answer in one sentence, then the answer can only be, “frozen three feet, non-day cold.” Stojkov is the number one sinner? Late last year, Announced to leave Shenhua, the Shenhua spent brilliant three-year coach said so: “No matter who is the new coach, if Shenhua can adhere to grasp the body, insist on grabbing the siege, they at least Or the top three, but if you lose your fitness and sniper, then finally relegated to the relegation of the part is also uncertain. ”Storikov his successor after hearing this remarks,