1.合理密植确保通风透光良好 西瓜密度667平方米早熟品种800~1000株;中晚熟品种如庆红宝、庆发八号500~800株,嫁接苗200~500株;无籽西瓜约500株。间作套种要加大行距,保护地栽培不能过密,以不互相遮光、有利通风为原则。 2.协调营养生长与生殖生长关系 不要偏施氮肥,开
1. Reasonable close planting to ensure good ventilation and light watermelon density of 667 square meters early maturing varieties of 800 to 1000; late-maturing varieties such as Qing Hongbao, Qingfa No. 8 500 to 800 grafted 200 to 500; seedless watermelon about 500 Strain. Intercropping intercropping to increase the line spacing, the protective cultivation can not be too close, not to each other shade, the principle of favorable ventilation. 2. To coordinate the relationship between vegetative and reproductive growth Do not partial nitrogen fertilizer, open