李翔是我师傅,笔名阿丑。我曾问他为什么会取一个丑字做名字,他开玩笑地回答:“因为我长得丑嘛”。其实他并不丑, 而是有点傻:打着点滴将生死抛在脑后,爬上白雪皑皑的海拔四、五千米的昆仑山,只为了拍一张官兵雪地巡逻的画面,你说他傻不傻?新春佳节本来可以在家享受天伦之乐,却硬要跑到阿里高原去挨饥受冻,你说他傻不傻?
Li Xiang is my teacher, a pen name ugly. I asked him why he would take an ugly name, and he jokingly replied: “Because I’m ugly.” In fact, he is not ugly, but a bit silly: the life and death will be left behind bit by bit, climbed snow-capped Kunlun Mountains four or five kilometers, only to shoot a picture of officers and soldiers patrolling the snow, you say Is he stupid? Spring Festival could have enjoyed the grandchildren ’s happiness at home, but insisted on going to the Ali Plateau to endure hunger and cold, do you say that he was stupid?