依据《工业企业建设项目卫生预评价规范》及国家颁布的相关标准,我们对某机械厂新迁工程竣工验收前的职业卫生状况进行预评价分析,为改善劳动条件,为预防性卫生监督工作的定量评价提供依据。 1 工程基本概况 该厂60年代建于我省某边远山区,随着市场经济的发展与
According to the “pre-evaluation criteria for hygienic construction projects of industrial enterprises” and the relevant standards promulgated by the state, we conducted pre-evaluation analysis on the occupational health status before the completion of final acceptance and acceptance of a mechanical factory. In order to improve working conditions and provide preventive sanitation supervision Provide a basis for quantitative evaluation. A basic overview of the project The factory was built in the 1960s in some remote mountainous areas in our province, with the development of market economy and