河南省林州市城郊乡田西峪村卫生所所长郭伏兴,1973年高中毕业后从医至今已23个年头了。几十年如一日,他献身于农村医疗卫生事业,谱写了一曲动人的“奉献之歌”。1993年,卫生部医政司、中国农村卫生协会、健康报社授予他“全国优秀乡村医生”称号。 田西峪地处半山区,10个自然村,人口3000余,过去由于经济条件落后,卫生条件差,群众防病治病比较困难,当地人有了病要跑十多里的路找医生,为此,不知延误了多少病情和失去了多少不该逝去的生命。
Guo Fuxing, director of the Tianxiyu Village Health Center, Xiangjiao Township, Linzhou City, Henan Province, has been in practice for more than 23 years since he graduated from high school in 1973. Decades ago, he devoted himself to the cause of rural health care, compose a moving “song of dedication.” In 1993, the Department of Medical Affairs of the Ministry of Health, China Rural Health Association and the Health Newspaper awarded him the title of “National Outstanding Village Doctor.” Tianxianyu is located in Mid-levels, 10 villages, a population of more than 3,000 in the past due to poor economic conditions, poor sanitary conditions, the masses more difficult to prevent and treat diseases, the locals have to run for more than a dozen miles to find a doctor for This, I do not know how much delayed condition and lost how much should not elapse.