Xue Kan-sheng in the Cheng, Zhu Nei-hu and Lu, Wang Xinxue each other and the ebb and flow of time, deeply influenced by Wang Xue’s thought. Since his graduation, he has been a teacher in Ganzhou for three years and has served as the leader of the governor’s government for the past three years. During his three-year career, Writings, the promotion and dissemination of Wang Xue, Jue Gong Wei. Yangming theory that can be widely disseminated in Lingnan region, it actually began in Xue Kan. Xue Kan Ting very loyal, residence officer has meritorious performance. After returning to school, in addition to lectures do not stop outside, try to teach with the same class teacher regulations, analysis of Yang Ming Liang Zhixin, and critics, though not rich in the writings, Gui, mostly included in the existing “Xue Yu Shi Zhong Ji” and “Mr. Xue Zhongli book”.