Political parties are the product of the economic and political relations of modern capitalism and the political organizations that represent the interests of certain classes, strata or social groups and struggle for their own fundamental interests. Sun Yat-sen, the forerunner of the Chinese modern democratic revolution, attached great importance to the leading role of political parties in the process of saving the nation from danger, overthrowing the Qing government and establishing a bourgeois democratic republic. To this end, he established a bourgeois political party and continuously transformed the party according to the needs of the development of the times and the revolutionary struggle. In the process, he formed, enriched and developed his political party ideas. In our opinion, Sun Yat-sen’s party ideas were formed in the period between the founding of the Hsing Chung Hui Society and the reorganization of the League to the Kuomintang and the enrichment of the Kuomintang until the establishment of the Second Revolution.