目的了解河南省≥60岁老年人口的住院卫生服务利用情况及影响因素。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机的方法抽取河南省18个地区≥60岁老年人口共6 866人为研究对象,了解(2013年)≥60岁老年人的住院率、住院医疗机构级别、住院疾病谱等卫生服务利用情况。结果河南省6 866名≥60岁老年人在2013年的住院率为17.38%(1 193/6 866),其中农村为16.97%(729/4 297),城市为18.06%(464/2 569);男性为17.13%(553/3228),女性为17.59%(640/3 638),差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);≥60岁老年人应住院未住院率为23.08%(358/1 551),其中城市为25.64%(160/624),农村为21.36%(198/927),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);住院医疗机构构成中乡镇、县级、市级和省级医疗机构的构成比分别为25.31%、48.70%、22.46%和2.68%,住院病因顺位的前4位依次为脑血管疾病(19.28%)、高血压(11.06%)、缺血性心脏病(6.45%)和其他类型心脏病(6.12%);多因素logistic回归分析显示,≥60岁老年人住院情况的影响因素有城乡分布、年龄、职业类型和是否患有慢性病。结论慢性病和职业类型成为≥60岁老年人住院的重要因素,应加强对慢性病的防治工作、关注职业人群的健康状况。
Objective To understand the utilization of hospital health services in ≥60 years old population in Henan Province and its influencing factors. Methods A total of 6 866 elderly population aged≥60 years in 18 districts of Henan Province were selected as the study objects by multi-stage stratified cluster randomization method to find out (2013) the hospitalization rate of ≥60-year-olds, hospitalization level, hospitalization diseases Spectrum utilization of health services. Results The hospitalization rate of 6 866 ≥60-year-olds in Henan Province in 2013 was 17.38% (1 193/6 866), of which 16.97% (729/4 297) in rural areas and 18.06% (464/2 569) in urban areas, (553/3228) in male and 17.59% (640/3 638) in female, the difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). The hospitalization rate of the elderly with60-year-old was23.08% (358 / 1 551), with 25.64% (160/624) in urban areas and 21.36% (198/927) in rural areas, with no significant difference (P> 0.05). The hospital medical institutions constitute the township, county, city and province The proportions of the top four medical institutions were 25.31%, 48.70%, 22.46% and 2.68% respectively. The top four causes of hospitalization were cerebrovascular disease (19.28%), hypertension (11.06%), ischemic heart disease (6.45%) and other types of heart disease (6.12%). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the factors influencing the hospitalization of ≥60-year-olds were urban-rural distribution, age, occupation type and whether they had chronic diseases. Conclusion Chronic diseases and occupational types are important factors for hospitalization of elderly people aged 60 or older. Prevention and treatment of chronic diseases should be strengthened and the health status of occupational groups should be emphasized.