Analyses of the “Problem” of AIDS in China

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honeysword
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艾滋病在中国并不是一个简单的疾病流行的问题,而是具有中国独特性的社会问题,且是后于某些社会问题而出现的,因而具有相当鲜明的社会选择倾向。其危害也不仅仅指向个体生命,而是危及社会发展的根本理念。本文分析了艾滋病“问题”在中国的建构过程,指出对此“问题”认知过程中产生的学理冲突既影响到有关政策的制定,又反过来建构了艾滋病“问题”的现状。据此,作者提出应从建设社区与社区的文化机制、流动人口的社会组织化、重新认识与定位青少年等方面入手,把艾滋病“问题”从危机转化为契机,推动建设和谐社会的进程。 AIDS in China is not a simple disease epidemic but a social problem with China’s uniqueness. It has emerged from certain social problems and therefore has a rather distinct social choice. Its harm also does not only refer to the individual life, but also jeopardizes the fundamental concept of social development. This paper analyzes the construction process of AIDS “problems” in China, and points out that the theoretical conflicts arising from this “problem” cognitive process not only affects the formulation of relevant policies, but also constructs the current status of AIDS “problems.” Based on this, the author proposes that we should begin with the construction of community and community cultural mechanisms, the social organization of floating populations, the re-understanding and positioning of young people and other aspects, turn AIDS “problems” from crisis into opportunity, and promote the process of building a harmonious society.
挑战电商价格,你敢不敢?  中国很大,在不同的区域市场内,每天都有不同的市场竞争正在发生。  两年前进入烟台的一家全国性连锁母婴系统,经营一年后就开始压缩规模有退出烟台市场的趋势。原因就是,烟台这个市场价格战打得十分疯狂,大部分奶粉和纸尿裤的价格,甚至服装的价格均要低于大型电商的价格,奶粉大力度买赠也是常态。  烟台当地的阳光宝贝婴童连锁,现在有21家店铺,是烟台威海地区最大的连锁系统,用创始人肖
近几年来,随着社会广告信息流量的激增,人们对广告信息的选择性大大增强,那些制作一般的广告,很容易昙花一现,而意味深长,言简意赅,琅琅上口的广告词异军突起,以其独有的审美鉴赏价值和艺术感染力,令人刮目相看,成为消费者的美好记忆,取得了良好的经济效益。  谁都知道具有独特新奇性的事物,能使人的注意力倍增,因此广告的语言要力求与众不同,创造新意。广告语每天都要与人打交道,写作套路、内容如果都是一样,那只