神秘的川崎病病原可能随着大气层中的气流跨越太平洋。如果这一假设成立,该病病原将是第一个被发现依靠自然界而非交通工具飘洋过海的例子。1981年,是加州大学圣迭戈分校川崎病研究中心任主任Jane Burns职业生涯的转折点。当时在丹佛市的科罗拉多医学院任医师的她遇到一个用飞机送来危重患儿。这个小姑娘此前已经过21天的治疗,皮肤上的疹子几乎褪尽,但仍持续高烧,被送到医院不到12个小时后离世。而Burns对此茫然无措。
The mysterious pathogen of Kawasaki disease may cross the Pacific with the air currents in the atmosphere. If this hypothesis is established, the etiological agent of the disease will be the first one to be found relying on nature rather than transport across the sea. In 1981, she was a turning point in her career at Jane Burns, director of the Kawasaki Disease Research Center at the University of California, San Diego. She was a physician at Colorado School of Medicine in Denver at the time and she met a critically ill child by plane. The little girl had been treated for 21 days before. The rash on her skin almost completely faded, but she continued to have a fever and was sent to the hospital within 12 hours of her death. Burns is at a loss.