2003年4月中旬,震惊全国的防治“非典”工作拉开序幕, 这是一场没有硝烟的战争,历时近三个月。我站作为疫病控制机 构,在市委市政府领导下,团结全站广大干部职工,同心同德,并 肩作战,夜以继日地战斗在防治“非典”第一线,默默无闻地履 行着自己的神圣职责,换来了我市48万人民的身体健康和生命 安全,我市没有发现一例“非典”病人,保证了我市经济建设工 作正常运行和人民生活的稳定祥和。
In mid-April 2003, the national SARS prevention and control campaign kicked off. This was a war without smoke and lasted for nearly three months. I stood as an epidemic disease control agency, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and city government, united all the cadres and staff of the entire station, and stood shoulder to shoulder with each other, fighting side by side to fight against the SARS epidemic in the first place, obsessively fulfilling my sacred duties. In return for the physical health and life safety of the city’s 480,000 people, the city did not find a case of “SARS” patients, which ensured the normal operation of the city’s economic construction work and the stability and auspiciousness of people’s lives.