张千一:开拓创新 续写辉煌

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紫砂杯做得很精致,杯身上雕着行楷“上善若水”四个字,张千一正坐在沙发上,欠身揭开杯盖,喝口茶润了润嗓子,他刚送走了一批来谈公事的客人。总算有个时间聊聊了,记者舒了一口气。“真抱歉,这几天太忙了!”张千一歉意地说,“这不,前几天到香港参加一个活动才回来,接着又进行考核,现在还在筹划明年建团60周年活动与双拥晚会的事儿。”是呀,他是太忙了,从约访到现在已近一个月了,总不得时间相谈。张千一的办公室不算大,但处处透露着艺术家范儿,进门左手边是JVC音响,下面是功放器,一排四层四隔间的书架靠墙正对门摆着,左边隔间放着其主要音乐作品,有歌剧《太阳雪》,有信天游歌舞剧音乐精选《山丹丹》,还有云南题材的歌曲集《心不远,路就不远》等;中间两个隔间是一些文化艺术类书籍,右边隔间主要是文件资料。刚进门时,JVC音响正播放着歌曲,音质纯净优美,如水银泻地,惊为天籁。一曲放完,弹 Purple Cup is very refined, the cup body engraved line Kai “good if the water ” four words, Zhang Qian Yi is sitting on the sofa, owed body opened the lid, drink tea moist Run throat, he just sent away a The guests who approached the business. Finally have a chat, the reporter sigh. “I’m sorry, these days are too busy! ” Zhang said, “This is not a few days ago to Hong Kong to participate in an event before coming back, and then test, and is still planning to build 60 next year Anniversary activities and double support party. ”“ Yes, he is too busy, from the visit to the present nearly a month, and no time to talk. Zhang Qianyi’s office is not large, but full of artist Fan children everywhere, the left door is JVC audio, the following is the power amplifier, a row of four four-compartment shelves are facing the door against the wall, the left compartment stood Its main musical works are opera ”Sun Snow“, ”Sidan Dan“, a collection of songs and ballads of Xinyitian Opera, and a song collection of Yunnan Theme ”not far from the heart"; the middle two cubicles are Some arts and culture books, the right compartment mainly document information. Just entering the door, JVC audio is playing songs, pure and beautiful sound quality, such as mercury diarrhea, scared for the sounds of nature. A finished release, shells
1995年3月15日,北京聋人集邮联谊会为纪念“中国残疾人”附捐邮票发行十周年暨该会成立十周年,在北京残疾人之家举行了座谈会。 十年前的3月15日,邮电部发行了“中国残疾人
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有奔头的老年人,七十看八十如仲春,去迎接;八十看九十是半夏,去割取;九十看一百似棋谱,有搏头;活到一百岁,觉得还有个老而完美的日子在等待。 There are older people who l