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蘇軾和黄庭堅的集句詞,内容上有詠物和抒懷言志兩類。特點上,其一他們崇古尊唐、推崇三杜’、尤尚晚唐。其中東坡重三杜小李’,山谷重‘大小杜’。其二體現了‘以詩爲詞’的詞學思想,表現在‘詞之内’和‘詞之外’兩個方面。‘詞之内’,内容上用集句詞來詠物、抒懷言志,擴大了集句詞的梭材範圍和表現空間;詞境上融合詩意,開拓詞境,‘以故爲新’。‘詞之外’,蘇黄於集句詞中首創詞序;並借鑒詩體的句式、句法、句律,多用小令之五、七言句式,使詩詞互動融合;語言上,多集唐代的五、七言詩歌入詞,體現了詞體語言的雅化傾向。二人的集句詞體現了蘇黄的博聞强識與才學,及對經典的認同與接受,這對後世產生了深遠的影響。 Su Shi and Huang Tingjian set of words, the contents of the chant things and express their feelings of two categories. Characteristics, one of them Chong Zun Tang, respected three Du ’, especially late Tang. One of the three on the east slope of Xiao Li ’, valley heavy’ size Du ’. The second manifests the Ci poetry thought of “taking poetry as a word”, which manifests in two aspects: ’within word’ and ’outside word’. ’Within the word’, the contents of the sentence with the words to chant things, express their feelings and words, expand the scope of the sentence collection of the scope and performance space; poetic fusion of the word, to open up the word environment, ’so to be new.’ ’Outside the word’, Su Huang’s first word order in the set of sentences; and learn from the poetic sentence, syntax, sentence law, and more with small order of five, seven sentence patterns, so that poetry interaction fusion; language, multi-set Tang Dynasty five or seven words poetry, embodies the proverbial tendency of the genre language. The two sets of sentence words reflect the Su Huang’s knowledge and talent, and the classic identity and acceptance, which have a profound impact on later generations.
本刊讯(记者 杜静菊)5月25日,由上海大学、上海市出版协会、上海市期刊协会联合主办,上海大学期刊社承办、以“创新融合:人才、内容与品牌”为主题的上海期刊第六届论坛在上
宋代丁謂目前僅存的兩首《鳳棲梧》詞,本文考證其作年當在大中祥符五年,其本事當與宋真宗‘天書’事件相關,略作发微,以爲詞史補苴罅漏之芹獻。 Song dynasty that the curr
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