马昆斯·王格尔一直使用丙烯、油画和版画颜料作画。他早期的作品富于表现力,主要是以他在海外学习游历和他在祖国列支敦士登所见到的建筑和风景为主题。静物则以风格化的形式和欢快的色彩来表现,有一种抽象的意味和异化效果。 1995年他的作品呈抽象化的印象派风格,这是随着对绘画艺术的怀旧和色彩实验所带来的用画刀制作出来的非表现派抽象作品。结合溶解液,他发现版画颜料可以形成有趣的色彩效果,这些
Marques Wanggel has always painted with acrylic, oil on canvas and prints. His early works were expressive, mainly focusing on his studies abroad and the architecture and landscapes he saw in Liechtenstein. Still life in a stylized form and cheerful colors to show, there is an abstract meaning and alienation effect. His work in 1995 was an abstract Impressionist style, a non-representational abstraction made with a paint-knife as a result of experiments in the art of nostalgia and color. When combined with a solution, he found that print paints can create interesting color effects for these