美国红栌是漆树科黄栌属黄栌的变种,有多个品种,因引进渠道各不相同,现在各地栽培的品种也不尽相同。根据有关资料和观察,只有少数的几个品种生长特性较好。其中,紫叶红栌Cotinus coggygria‘Atropurpureus’(也叫紫叶美国极品红栌),可算美国红栌中生长特性最好的一个品种,较其他红栌叶片颜色亮丽,抗性强、耐低温、抗病虫害和环境污染。主要分布于欧洲西北部和美国以北地区。形态特征:落叶灌木或小乔木,高3~4米,树冠卵圆形至半
American red croaker is a variant of the Yellow cedar belonging to the genus Astragalus. There are a number of varieties, because of the different channels of introduction, and cultivars are also different nowadays. According to the relevant data and observations, only a few varieties have better growth characteristics. Among them, Cotinus coggygria’Atropurpureus’ (also known as the purple leaf American Needle), can be considered the best growth characteristics of the United States Red Clover species, compared with other red cress leaves bright color, strong resistance, low temperature, Resistance to pests and environmental pollution. Mainly distributed in northwestern Europe and north of the United States. Morphological characteristics: Deciduous shrubs or small trees, 3 to 4 meters high, crown to oval to half