作为面部美容手术的一种,面部自体脂肪填充术为越来越多的人所接受,其眼部并发症也逐渐在临床显现。眶周脂肪肉芽肿是眼部并发症中较常见的一种,具体病因尚不明确,可能由无活力的自体脂肪引起,肿物出现位置与脂肪填充部位直接相关。眶周脂肪肉芽肿的临床表现包括眶周硬性肿物、上睑下垂、眼睑红肿等,严重影响患者外观和身心健康。目前其主要的治疗手段包括口服或局部应用糖皮质激素以及手术切除。目前,国内眼科医生对该病认知较少,临床上易出现误诊和过度治疗等情况,因此,本文主要针对国内外有关面部自体脂肪填充术后眶周脂肪肉芽肿的临床研究进展进行总结和分析,以期为其临床诊断和治疗提供指导,为进一步研究提供参考。“,”Facial autologous fat filling is widely accepted as a kind of facial cosmetic surgery.However, the postoperative complications, such as periorbital firm mass, ptosis and palpebral erythema, affect appearance and health seriously after surgery.Periorbital lipogranuloma is an ophthalmic complication of facial autologous fat filling which may be due to the nonviable adipocytes.The location of periorbital lipogranuloma is directly associated with fat filling site.The present therapies for periorbital lipogranuloma include the application of glucocorticoid and surgery.Most ophthalmologists in China know little about this disease, leading to misdiagnosis and overtreatment in clinical practice.This review summarizes the clinical characteristics of periorbital lipogranuloma in order to provide guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment.