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  I am Migo. I am a Yeti. I like to ring the gong. That’ s also my father’ s job. One day, I met a smallfoot. That’ s amazing.

  I am Percy. I am very sad. Because nobody watches my shows. One day, I met a Yeti. It can make for good TV.
  冰天雪地的Himalayan之巅,是Yetis的家园, Yetis严格遵从石村长(Stonekeeper)的命令。每天太阳升起时,Migo的父亲必须ring the gong來唤醒大家,而Migo已经准备好接管这项神圣的工作了。
  Stonekeeper: Migo, you will never be the gong ringer. 米果,你永远不会成为敲锣人。
  Migo: Wait, what? 慢着,什么?
  Stonekeeper: If you don’ t practice. 如果你不练习的话就不行。
  Meechee: I knew it was real. 我就知道是真的。
  Gwangi: Nobody will think I’ m crazy anymore. 没有人再会觉得我疯了。
  Kolka: He’ s so beautiful! 他好美!
  Fleem: And so short. 并且好矮。
  Meechee: You did it, Migo. 你成功了,米果。
  Migo: No, we did it. 不,是我们成功了。
  Meechee: That’ s not Migo! So where’s Migo? 那不是米果,米果在哪呢?
  Migo: The Smallfoot shots me. I can’ t feel my face. 小脚怪拿枪打我。我的脸麻了。
  Kolka: So he is bad? 那他是坏人了?
  Migo: No, no, he’ s not bad. I think he shot me to save me. 不,不,他不坏。我觉得他拿枪打我是为了救我。
  Meechee: You’ re right. He did. 你说得对,他救了你。
  Stonekeeper: He saved all of us. 他救了我们所有人。
小熊和他的好朋友住在森林里,他们在一起举办了才艺展示。唱歌的唱歌,跳舞的跳舞,讲笑话的讲笑话,好热闹啊!谁是最棒的?Who’s the best? Let’s read the story.  Little Bear lives in the forest.  He often plays with his friends.  “Let’s make a talent show,” suggest
A cock crows in the morning to tell us to rise,  And he who likes late will never be wise.  For early to bed and early to rise,  Is the way to be healthy and wealthy and wise.
你一定听过《灰姑娘》的故事吧?那么……灰王子又是谁呢?瞧,他来了!他又瘦又矮,头发乱蓬蓬的,看起来可真不像个王子。更糟糕的是,当哥哥们和公主们去参加皇家舞会的时候,灰王子不得不留在家里洗洗涮涮。直到一个星期六的晚上,烟囱里掉下来一个灰头土脸的仙女!她会用魔法帮助灰王子吗?灰王子的命运会发生改变吗?快来读绘本吧!  Prince Cinders was not much of a prince.  
海底小纵队又要开启冒险之旅啦!这一次他们被安排到了地球的极地,冰天雪地的环境加上陌生的地方,小纵队的成员们能否顺利完成任务?让我们和小纵队成员一起走进极地,来一次冰天雪地大探险吧!  Octopus: 为了顺利完成此次极地大探险,你们进行了哪些前期准备?  I usually eat a lot on Monday. 我通常在星期一吃許多。  I always run in the afterno
I have a lovely teacher.  She is about forty-five years old.  She is tall and nice.  She likes smiling.  At school, she teaches us Art.  At her lessons, we can draw beautiful things.  Teachers’ Day is
听录音,给小朋友一天的活动和相关时间连线。  下面两幅图有哪些不同,你能找出來吗?
The Tiger King is so old. He governs the animal kingdom very well. So he decides to look for a great man to be the new king. The owl, kangaroo and bear all want to be the new king.  那么誰将成为“万兽之王”呢?让我们一
gymnastics  體操  weight lifting  举重  fencing  击剑  boxing  拳击
Match each animal to the sound it makes from the list below. 下面动物们发出的声音是什么?请连线。  Use the clues below to find different rabbits in the picture. Circle the correct rabbit with your finger.  用你的手指圈出正確的兔子
By William Blake (1757-1827)  Pretty, pretty robin!  Under leaves so green,  A happy blossom,  Hears you sobbing, sobbing.  Pretty, pretty robin,  Near my bosom.