【摘 要】
With the improvement of people’s living standards, the ecological environment has been increasingly valued. In the 21st century, products do not rely solely on market demand for survival. The veto power of environmental protection determines whether a company has a production license. Whether or not it can produce and whether it can continue to develop depends not only on market demand, but also on whether production produces pollution and whether pollution control results are still harmful to society and people’s lives.
有机会去新疆。立即会被新疆美丽的风光和独特的文化所陶醉,祖国西部的博大、圣洁、神秘引发人们无限的遐想。 不去新疆,不知祖国的辽阔。正当西部开发之际来到新疆,强烈的国家
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Contract for development, equipment andconstruction of Zhaodong cooperative blockwas signed in Bejing on July 12, 2001. Thisis the first onshore oil foreign coo
Interviewing with Mr. Liu Xinghe,Genera Manager of CPECMChina Petroleum Materials Equipment Corporation(CPMEC) is the procurementcenter of China NationalPetrole
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2001年世界钢产量预测 据英国咨询机构MEPS预测,在2000年全球创纪录生产8.4亿吨粗钢之后,今年由于消费者降低库存水平,世界钢产量将减少1%,达到8.33亿吨。今年全球生铁产量也
Jilin CompanyJilin Oil Products Sales Company ofPetroChina marketed 1.58 millions of oilproducts and generated 160 million yuanof profits and taxes in 2000, set