为了克服小型电磁脉冲声源转换效率很低的缺点,提出两种设想: 1.利用薄板的高阶共振模式以提高效率,并通过适当安排高阶共振频率和策动力频谱主峰相对位置的办法以保证足够宽的频带;2.增加反向二极管以提高储能器的电路转换效率。 经过分析和实验,根据上述设想设计的声源,获得了较为满意的结果。和原型声源相比,电声转换效率提高16-24分贝。声辐射的频带可宽达2倍频程以上。电路转换效率也比原型提高一倍。
In order to overcome the shortcomings that the conversion efficiency of the small electromagnetic pulse source is very low, two assumptions are proposed: 1. Use the high-order resonant mode of the thin plate to improve the efficiency, and ensure a sufficiently wide frequency band by properly arranging the higher-order resonance frequency and the relative position of the main peak of the power spectrum; Increase the reverse diode to improve the energy storage circuit conversion efficiency. After analysis and experiment, according to the above design of the sound source, obtained more satisfactory results. Compared with the prototype sound source, electro-acoustic conversion efficiency increased by 16-24 dB. Acoustic radiation can be wide frequency band up to 2 times the frequency range above. Circuit conversion efficiency than the prototype doubled.