1966年,英格兰队借东道主之利夺得第一个世界杯冠军。32年后的今天,随着希勒、贝克汉姆、斯科尔斯、福勒、麦克马纳曼和内维尔兄弟等天才少年的脱颖而出,英格兰队又扬起远航的风帆,前往阳光灿烂的法兰西去寻梦。 由于1992年欧洲锦标赛和1994年美国世界杯的失利,英格兰队在国际足联的排名一度跌至20名开外,这直接导致他们被排除在本届杯赛的种子队之外。对此英国绅士们没有纠缠,因为他们相信自己的实力,主教练霍德尔自豪地说:“不管我们是不是种子队,别人都希望躲我们远远的。”虽然目前的英格兰队并非十全十美,但只要回顾一下英格兰队在预选赛中力压意大利队抢得小组第一的历程,只要掂量一下贝克汉姆、希勒、麦克马纳曼、斯科尔斯以及内维尔兄弟等英雄少年的实力,即使是最保守的估计,也可以推知英格兰队时隔32年后再次问鼎世界杯冠军的前景是多么明朗。
In 1966, England won the first World Cup championship by taking advantage of the host. Today, 32 years later, with the emergence of such genius as Sheppler, Beckham, Scholes, Fowler, McManman and Neville brothers, the England team sailed for sailing voyages to the sunshine France to dream. Due to the 1992 European Championships and the defeat of the 1994 World Cup in the United States, England’s FIFA rankings dropped to just 20 at a time and led directly to the exclusion of seedlings from this tournament. This English gentleman is not entangled in, because they believe in their own strength, coach Hoddle proudly said: “Whether we are not the seed team, others want to hide from us.” Although the current England team is not perfect, but not perfect, Just look back at England’s team defeat of Italy in the qualifying to grab the No. 1 team, just by weighing the strengths of heroic boys such as Beckham, Shearer, McManama, Scholes and Neville, Even the most conservative estimates suggest that the prospect of a World Cup win for England again after 32 years is clear.