笔者于1998 -2 0 0 2年间,应用平阳霉素局部注射治疗口腔及颌面部血管瘤78例,疗效满意,报告如下:材料和方法1.临床资料 本组病例78例,均为海绵状血管瘤。男3 0例,女48例,年龄6个月-5 7岁,6岁以下5 1例,占65 .3 8%。瘤体部位:头部4例,颌面部2 2例,唇颊黏膜3 7例,舌体15例。瘤体
782 cases of oral and maxillofacial hemangiomas were treated with Pingyangmycin locally in 1998-2002. The curative effect was satisfactory. The report is as follows: Materials and Methods 1. Clinical data 78 cases of this group were cavernous Hemangioma. There were 30 males and 48 females, aged 6 months to 57 years old and 51 cases under 6 years old, accounting for 65.38%. Tumor site: the head in 4 cases, maxillofacial department in 22 cases, 37 cases of lip and buccal mucosa, 15 cases of tongue. Tumor