为了筛选出西林火姜健康组培苗快繁体系,以西林火姜的茎尖为组培材料,对其组培苗分化、增殖和生根同步培养基进行了筛选,并对组培苗进行了病菌和病毒检测。试验结果显示,适合西林火姜分化、增殖和生根一步成苗的培养基配方为MS+4.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.2 mg/L NAA;在组培苗后期壮苗时加入蔗糖、活性炭和多效唑的浓度分别以4%、0.10%和0.05%最佳;目前生产中对于常用的生姜健康组培苗还不能完全脱除病菌和脱毒,表明生姜健康组培苗快繁体系因生姜基因型而异,而且目前的脱病菌和脱毒技术还需改进。
In order to screen out the rapid propagating culture system of Xishuangongnae, the shoot tips of Xilin ginger were selected as the tissue culture materials, the differentiation, proliferation and rooting synchronization medium of the tissue culture seedlings were screened and the tissue culture seedlings were screened Pathogen and virus detection. The results showed that MS medium supplemented with MS + 4.0 mg / L 6-BA + 0.2 mg / L NAA for the differentiation, proliferation and rooting of one-step seedlings of Xilin ginger were added sucrose, activated carbon and The concentration of paclobutrazol was the best at 4%, 0.10% and 0.05% respectively. At present, the production of common ginger healthy tissue culture seedlings can not completely remove bacteria and detoxification, indicating that the rapid propagation of healthy ginger tissue culture system due to ginger genotype And different, and the current detoxification bacteria and virus-free technology needs improvement.