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北海位于大不列颠群岛和欧洲大陆之间。它是近十年来发展起来的海洋油区,面积52.5万平方公里。周围有英国、挪威、丹麦、荷兰、西德、比利时和法国等七个国家,其中英国和挪威是主要的储油国和产油国。1977年整个北海共产原油5400多万吨。由于西欧各国工业高度发达,对能源需要量很 The North Sea is located between the British Isles and continental Europe. It is a marine oil area developed in the past ten years with an area of ​​525,000 square kilometers. Surrounding the United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, West Germany, Belgium and France, seven countries, of which Britain and Norway are the major oil-producing countries and oil-producing countries. In 1977 the entire North Sea more than 5400 tons of crude oil. Due to the highly developed industries in Western Europe, the demand for energy is very high