公元1784年2月22日,一艘飘扬着“星条旗”的海船,从纽约启航,途经佛得角群岛,渡过大西洋,绕过好望角,通过印度洋,于8月28日驶抵“帆樯通万国”的广州黄埔港,并向繁花似锦的“花城”鸣放礼炮13响致敬。这就是美国第一艘商船,远渡重洋,行程达13000英里的“中国皇后”号(Empress of china)。
On February 22, 1784, a ship flying the “Stars and Stripes” set sail from New York City, passing Cape Verde Islands, across the Atlantic Ocean, bypassing the Cape of Good Hope and heading over the Indian Ocean to sail on August 28 Go through all the nations, “the Guangzhou Huangpu Port, and to the blossoming” Flower City "salute salute 13 salute. This is the first Empress of China ship to travel 13,000 miles across the ocean.