1.乘车安全带牵着乘车人的肩部和臀部(留有足够的活动余地),以防万一。2.弹簧铁钳具有弹簧钳口的手钳,能夹住一吋的水龙头等, 把它们扭紧而不致损坏。3.新式鞋垫鞋垫表面致密的微孔,使脚部毛孔易于排汗,感觉舒适。4.单人帐篷略似蚊帐的单人帐蓬,长230厘米,宽170厘米,
1. Take a seat belt and take the driver’s shoulder and buttocks (leaving enough room for activity), just in case. 2. Spring-tongs Pliers with spring-loaded jaws grip the one-inch faucet and tighten them without damaging them. 3. The new insoles insoles surface of the dense pores, so that the pores of the feet easy to perspiration, feel comfortable. 4. Single tent Single tent slightly like a mosquito net, 230 cm long and 170 cm wide,