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“上海国际包装·印刷城是我国第一个行业性的集展销、商务、科研和生产于一体的综合性中心,可能也是第一个利用市场机制推动行业聚集,把行业做大,提高行业竞争国的试验中心。”复旦大学世界经济系副主任、博士生导师尹翔硕教授在谈到中国入世后的产业竞争力时,这样概括了上海国际包装·印刷城对于中国包装印刷行业乃至其他走规模积聚道路的行业的重要意义。上海国际包装·印刷城不是将所有服务功能简单集聚在一起,而是利用市场机制,多方整合最有效的资源,形成品牌合力和竞争优势,产生类似美国的“硅谷”效应,从而,使中国从包装大国迈向包装强国有了第一个综合产业基地和平台。 “Shanghai International Packaging and Printing City is the first comprehensive center of China that integrates marketing, business, scientific research and production. It may also be the first to use market mechanisms to promote the industry to gather, to make the industry bigger and to increase competition in the industry National Experimental Center. ”Professor Yin Xiangshuo, associate director and doctoral tutor at the Department of World Economics of Fudan University, spoke about the industrial competitiveness of China after its accession to the WTO. This summed up the impact of Shanghai International Packaging and Printing City on the scale of China’s packaging and printing industry and other large- The importance of the road industry. Rather than simply bringing together all the service functions, Shanghai International Packaging & Printing City uses the market mechanism to integrate the most effective resources from multiple sources to create synergies and competitive advantages in the brands and produce a “Silicon Valley” effect similar to that in the United States. As a result, Packaging power into the packaging power has the first integrated industrial base and platform.
In its latest report, BIMCO noted that in the long-term downturn of shipping market, the fragmented dry bulk fleet ownership cannot be maintained long. Since th