由大连港务局主办,黑嘴子港务公司承办的大连水产品交易市场1996年9月1日试营业,1997年8月1日全面启动以来,出现了水产品供销两旺的发展态势,1997年“市场”收入达320万元。 作为港口企业,变单一装卸经营为另辟新路,拓展功能,是局领导赋予我们的一项重要任务。当时,我们是一个年亏损近360万元,长期靠局补贴的单位;周边码头又迅速崛起,港口运输市场竞争激烈,单靠装卸主业是绝对不行的。须重新认识自我,发挥地域优势,调整生产布局,变看摊守业、赔本经营为主副并举,两条腿走路。
The Dalian aquatic products trading market, hosted by Dalian Port Affairs Bureau and hosted by Black-beak Harbor Company, was put into trial operation on September 1, 1996. Since the comprehensive start-up on August 1, 1997, there has been a flourishing development of the supply and marketing of aquatic products. In 1997, Market "revenue of 320 million. As a port enterprise, changing a single handling operation to open up new roads and expand its functions is an important task entrusted to us by the Bureau leadership. At that time, we were a unit that suffered a loss of nearly $ 3.6 million a year and subsidized by long-term subsidies. The quayside has rapidly risen and the port transport market has been fiercely competitive. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to rely solely on loading and unloading the main industry. We must re-understand ourselves, give full play to the geographical advantages, adjust the production layout, change the business of stalls and lose profits, and take the two legs to walk.