苏共败亡是20世纪90年代震惊世界的重大事变。时过境迁,人们在扼腕叹息之际,仍在不断思考:一个拥有1 900多万党员、执政70多年的苏共是怎样突然消亡的?苏共败亡有着复杂深刻的国际国内因素。但追根溯源,苏共衰亡,败在自身,尤其在苏共执政后期,党风不正,导致党越来越脱离群众、与人民离心离德,党的领导集体也不采取有力措施加以纠正,对此麻木不仁。这是苏共亡党丧权最根
The collapse of the Soviet Communist Party was a major event that shocked the world in the 1990s. As time passed by, people kept pondering over the sigh of death: How did the Soviet Communist Party, with over 19 million members and 70 years in power, suddenly die out? The collapse of the CPSU has a complex and profound international and domestic factors. However, tracing the source, the decline and defeat of the Soviet Communist Party itself, especially in the latter’s ruling period, the party’s style of work is not correct, leading to the party getting more and more out of the masses, and the people from the heart, the party’s leading collective nor take vigorous measures to correct, this insensitive . This is the root cause of Soviet Communist Party’s loss of power