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在千重山色万顷波光的花亭湖畔,活跃着一群生龙活虎的年轻税务官,他们就是太湖县地方税务局江亭分局的税干们。在平凡的工作岗位上,他们勇挑重担,无私奉献,与时俱进,开拓创新,用辛勤的汗水,谱写了一曲激动人心的聚财之歌。 办法总比困难多 2000年3月,太湖县地方税务局收缩基层税务机构,原江亭、江塘两个乡地税所撤并为江亭分局,30岁的陈怡林通过竞争上岗,走马上任江亭分局局长。面对薄弱的税源基础,复杂的税收环境,简陋的办公条件,参差不齐的职工素质,他心情十分焦急,但他坚信,只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。他一方面认真组织开展全面的税源摸排,对所辖的城西、江塘两乡的400多户纳税户分村逐一收集户管资料,争取县档案局的业务指导,对收集的税源基础资料分成A、B、C、D四类进行归档整理 Hundreds of thousands of acres in the mountains and waves Huating Lake, active with a group of young tax officers who live, they are Taihu County Local Taxation Jiang Ting branch tax people who. In ordinary jobs, they bravely took the heavy burden of selfless dedication, advancing with the times, pioneering and innovative, with hard sweat, compose an exciting gathering song. In March 2000, Taihu County Local Taxation Bureau contracted grass-roots tax authorities, the former Jiangting, Jiangtang Township tax evasion and removal of Jiang Ting Branch, 30-year-old Chen Yilin through competition in posts, took the office of Jiang Ting Branch Secretary. In the face of a weak source of tax revenue, complex tax environment, crude office conditions and uneven quality of staff and workers, he was in a very anxious mood. However, he firmly believed that as long as the ideology is not deteriorating, the solution will be more than the difficulty. On the one hand, he conscientiously organized and carried out a comprehensive tax source handling of the tax sources. He collected information on household management of more than 400 tax-paying households in the western and eastern Jiangshuitang townships one after another for the operational guidance of the county archives and classified the collected tax-source basic information A, B, C, D four kinds of archive finishing
北京九洲巨龙科技发展有限公司利用清华大学、中国农业大学的雄厚高科技力量 ,经有关专家多年呕心沥血 ,采用国际上先进的科学技术 ,结合中国土质 ,经数年来的大田试验 ,精心
三氮唑核苷(ribavirin)具有显著的抗病毒活性,毒副作用小,临床上用途广泛。国外报道其制备方法甚多(包括发酵法),目前国内生产则以化学合成法为主,但生产工艺较 Ribavirin
对泼尼松(P)/氢化泼尼松(PL)知识的增长是由于下列原因:首先是HPLC 方法的发展,使测定既方便又特异;其次,PL 和皮质素运载蛋白和白蛋白的非线性结合,而只有非结合PL 的浓度
Summary: To explore the effect of different concentrations of corticosterone (CORT) on primary cultured hippocampal neurons and their Ca~2+ /CaMKⅡ expression a
截至 2 0 0 1年 1 2月底 ,中国外债余额为 1 70 1 .1亿美元 (不包括香港特区、澳门特区和台湾地区对外负债 ) ,与去年年中外债余额基本持平。中国国家外汇管理局报告显示 ,在