
来源 :生殖与避孕 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meng010
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流式细胞术(flow cytometry,FCM)是一种单细胞快速定量分析技术,为精子功能研究提供了一种高通量、多参数的检测手段。FCM在外用避孕药对精子功能评估中的应用,主要包括精子质膜完整性、DNA完整性、顶体反应、线粒体功能、氧化应激和精子凋亡等方面。表明FCM是精子功能研究的有效工具,有助于阐明新型外用避孕药的药效和作用机制。 Flow cytometry (FCM) is a single-cell rapid quantitative assay that provides a high-throughput, multi-parameter assay for the study of sperm function. The application of FCM in the evaluation of sperm function in topical contraceptives includes sperm plasma membrane integrity, DNA integrity, acrosome reaction, mitochondrial function, oxidative stress and sperm apoptosis. FCM is an effective tool for the study of sperm function, which can help clarify the efficacy and mechanism of the new topical contraceptives.
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