Investigation of aluminum gate CMP in a novel alkaline solution

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheng198208
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Beyond 45 nm, due to the superior CMP performance requirements with the metal gate of aluminum in the advanced CMOS process, a novel alkaline slurry for an aluminum gate CMP with poly-amine alkali slurry is investigated. The aluminum gate CMP under alkaline conditions has two steps: stock polishing and fine polishing.A controllable removal rate, the uniformity of aluminum gate and low corrosion are the key challenges for the alkaline polishing slurry of the aluminum gate CMP. This work utilizes the complexation-soluble function of FA/O II and the preference adsorption mechanism of FA/O I nonionic surfactant to improve the uniformity of the surface chemistry function with the electrochemical corrosion research, such as OCP-TIME curves, Tafel curves and AC impedance. The result is that the stock polishing slurry(with SiO_2 abrasive) contains 1 wt.% H_2O_2,0.5 wt.% FA/O II and 1.0 wt.% FA/O I nonionic surfactant. For a fine polishing process, 1.5 wt.% H_2O_2, 0.4 wt.% FA/O II and2.0 wt.% FA/O I nonionic surfactant are added. The polishing experiments show that the removal rates are 3000˙50 ?/min and 1600˙60 ?/min, respectively. The surface roughnesses are 2.05˙0.128 nm and 1.59˙0.081 nm, respectively. A combination of the functions of FA/O II and FA/O I nonionic surfactant obtains a controllable removal rate and a better surface roughness in alkaline solution. Beyond 45 nm, due to the superior CMP performance requirements with the metal gate of aluminum in the advanced CMOS process, a novel alkaline slurry for an aluminum gate CMP with poly-amine alkali slurry is investigated. steps: stock polishing and fine polishing. A controllable removal rate, the uniformity of aluminum gate and low corrosion are the key challenges for the alkaline polishing slurry of the aluminum gate CMP. This work utilizes the complexation-soluble function of FA / O II and the preference adsorption mechanism of FA / OI nonionic surfactant to improve the uniformity of the surface chemistry function with the electrochemical corrosion research, such as OCP-TIME curves, Tafel curves and AC impedance. The result is that the the stock slurry slurry (with SiO 2 abrasive ) contains 1 wt.% H 2 O 2, 0.5 wt.% FA / O II and 1.0 wt.% FA / OI nonionic surfactant. For a fine polishing process, 1.5 wt.% H 2 O 2, 0.4 wt.% FA / wt.% The polishing experiments show that the removal rates are 3000 ˙50 Å / min and 1600 ˙ 60 Å / min, respectively. The surface roughnesses are 2.05 ˙0.128 nm and 1.59 ˙0.081 nm, respectively. A combination of the functions of FA / O II and FA / OI nonionic surfactant obtain a controllable removal rate and a better surface roughness in alkaline solution.
刘半农说,“打”是意义最含混的“混蛋字”。话粗理不糙,说起这个字,它实在是不着边际,不只是打倒的打、击打的打,还可以与不同的字词组合,表达多种多样的动态意思,是汉字中内涵最丰富的动词之一。  然而,“打”字并不是个历史久远的字,甲骨文、金文中没有它,春秋战国时期的竹简、帛书文字中也未见过它,甚至在汉代碑刻中也未发现它。清初黄生在Ⅸ字诂》中认为,“六朝已前固无用打字者”。然而,《四库全书总目提要》编