
来源 :长江文化论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mater
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浙江国际良渚学中心的成立,是学术界的一件大事。良渚文化研究有了战略目标,有了高水平的组织,必将在新的世纪里取得更加辉煌的成果。我在此对这一组织的设立表示衷心的、热烈的祝贺!我能够参加这次会议,就中国文明探源与良渚文化这一问题向诸位同行作点汇报,共同商榷,感到荣幸。希望我们大家携起手来,为良渚学的发展,为良渚文化的宣传,做出贡献。 The establishment of Zhejiang International Liangzhu Science Center is a major event in academia. Liangzhu Culture has achieved its strategic goal. With a high level of organization, it will surely achieve even more brilliant achievements in the new century. Here I hereby give my heartfelt and warm congratulation on the establishment of this organization. I was honored to attend this meeting and report to all of you on the issue of the origin of Chinese civilization and the Liangzhu culture. We hope that all of us can join hands to contribute to the development of the Liangzhu learning and the propaganda of Liangzhu culture.