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人工直接比对法此法分两种:一是指将现场提取的指纹直接与捺印的嫌疑人指纹进行比对。此方法多针对嫌疑人范围较小的现行案件的现场指纹。例如对一些经勘查确定为内盗的现行案件,可以直接将纳入排查范围内的人员捺印指纹比对;二是案件现场提取的指纹比对条件太差,或特征干预不规范,可能进入不了比对结果候选范围。当现场指纹比中嫌疑人后,根据现场指纹编号原则,将同一地区相近时间段内的现场指纹在计算机屏幕上逐一调出,与嫌疑人捺印指纹比对,因工作流程类似人工翻档,故命名“人工”比对法。过硬的指纹比对能力是该方法的基础,计算机自动比对不上的指纹往往条件较差,再加上没有现场或捺印指纹原件,比对都要在屏幕上完成,没有良好的指纹比对技术是很难比对上案件的。 Artificial direct comparison method This law is divided into two types: First, refers to the fingerprint extracted from the scene directly with the fingerprint of the opponent to make a comparison. This method is more for the fingerprint of the current case with smaller scope of suspects. For example, some of the current cases identified as pirates by investigation may be printed directly by the personnel involved in the investigation to make prints of their fingerprints; secondly, the fingerprints extracted at the scene are too poor or the characteristic interventions may not be standardized, Candidate range of results. When the scene than the suspect in the fingerprint, according to the principle of on-site fingerprint number, the same area within a similar period of time on-site fingerprint on the computer screen one by one, and the suspect fingerprint contrast, because the work flow is similar to manually turn the file, so Name “Artificial ” comparison method. Excellent fingerprint comparison ability is the basis of the method, the computer is often less accurate than the fingerprint on the poor conditions, coupled with no on-site or original fingerprint printing, alignment should be done on the screen, there is no good fingerprint comparison Technology is difficult to match the case.
七月,他退休了; 七月,办公室里汗水浸透了他的衣裳。毛惕凡同志退休了。人们私下里议论开了:毛局长能赚几倍的工资了。这位老档案工作者,阅历丰富,知识渊博,他还没有退下 I
或许是出于“失语”——据说那是世纪末中国文学评论界的一种流行病——的无奈和无力 ,我一度对于当下文学批评倍感焦虑和失望。然而 ,我的这种难于言说的困惑和悲凉 ,在读了