
来源 :金山企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:onlibao
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企业现场管理工作是组织社会化、现代化大生产,实施科技成果产业化过程中各项专业管理工作的立足点和依据。企业现场管理工作决定着科技产业化过程中企业管理水平的高低,并决定着科技产业化经济效益的提高。本文拟对科技产业化工作中的现场管理工作作一些探讨。一、问题的提出1、科技产业化工作中现场管理现状。所谓科技产业化中的现场管理,就是对在科研、 Enterprise site management is to organize the socialization and modernization of large-scale production, the implementation of scientific and technological achievements in the process of the professional management of the foothold and basis. Enterprise site management determines the level of enterprise management in the process of industrialization of science and technology, and determines the economic benefits of industrialization of science and technology. This article intends to make some discussion on site management in the industrialization of science and technology. First, the issue put forward 1, science and technology industrialization in the field of management status quo. The so-called scientific and technological management of the scene in the field, that is, in scientific research,