郑州煤炭工业(集团)有限责任公司(以下简称“郑煤集团”)始建于1958年,1973年划归煤炭部管理,成为统配矿务局。1989年更名为郑州矿务局, 1996年改组为“郑州煤炭工业(集团)有限责任公司”。经过近半个世纪的发展壮大,如今的郑煤集团已发展为拥有职工4.9万人,独立核算单位40个,生产矿井7对,在建矿井2对,年产煤炭千万吨的大型国有煤炭企业。现有电厂两座,装机总容量11.2万
Zhengzhou Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Zheng Coal Group”) was established in 1958 and was assigned to the management of the Ministry of Coal Industry in 1973 as a unified management and mining bureau. In 1989 changed its name to Zhengzhou Mining Bureau, in 1996 reorganized as “Zhengzhou Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.”. After nearly half a century of development and growth, today’s Zheng Coal Group has developed into a staff of 49,000 people, 40 units of independent accounting, producing 7 pairs of mines, 2 pairs of mines under construction, with an annual output of 10 million tons of coal large State-owned coal enterprises. Two existing power plants, installed capacity of 112,000