第91页第9~11行,“它不象图书是为了传授知识,供人阅读而事后编写的”。笼统地说图书是“事后编写的”,实在不恰当。如这本《档案学概论》,是事前编写的还是事后编写的?很难说清楚。象第一章“建国前档案学研究回溯”归属于事后编写的,还可以说得过去;但第八章“档案学研究的发展”及其第三节“档案学与未来”,怎么也理解不了它是“事后编写的”。 第91页第22行,“赞誉《史记》‘其文直、其事核、不虚美、不隐恶’(《史记·正文》序)历代史学家都主张秉笔直书……”。这里的毛病有三:(1)“直”、“核”、“美”三字后使用顿号不太恰当,应改用逗号。(2)“《史记·正文》序”可能弄错了。经查对,这一段话出自张守节的《史记正义序》。(3)“历代史学家”之前缺一句号。
On page 91, lines 9 to 11, “It is not like the book is written afterwards for the purpose of imparting knowledge for reading.” Generally speaking, books are “prepared afterwards”, which is not appropriate. Such as this “Introduction to Archives,” prepared in advance or prepared later? Hard to say clearly. As Chapter 1, “The Review of Archival Studies before Founding of the People’s Republic of China,” belongs to what was written afterwards, it can be justified. However, Chapter VIII, “The Development of Archival Science Research” and its section III, “Archival Science and Future,” can not understand how it It is “prepared afterwards.” On page 91, line 22, “Historical Records of Praise,” “Its Literal Straightness, Its Events, its Virtuous Beauty, Its Cloakingness.” Here are three problems: (1) “straight”, “nuclear”, “beauty” after the use of comma is not appropriate, should be replaced by commas. (2) “” Shi Ji · text “preface” may be mistaken. The investigation, this passage from Zhang Shou section of “Historical Records of Justice.” (3) “historical historians” before a full stop.