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紫苏是一种一年生草本植物,叶片卵形,叶面呈紫红色,具有独特的芳香气味,又名赤苏、红苏、皱紫苏等,其茎叶、种子皆可食用。“向来暑殿评汤物,沉木紫苏闻第一。”这是元代学者吴莱对紫苏汤的评价。宋元时期的夏季,皇家御膳房流行一种以鲜嫩的紫苏茎叶调制的解暑饮料——紫苏汤。紫苏汤开胃健脾,夏季经常饮用,可消除暑热烦躁。据《尔雅》记述:“取(紫苏鲜嫩茎叶)研汁煮粥,良,长服令人体白身香。”早在两千多年前, Perilla is an annual herb, oval leaves, leaves were purple, with a unique aroma, also known as red Su, Hong Su, wrinkled perilla, etc., its stems and leaves, seeds are edible. “Summer Palace has always been rated soup, Shenmu purple smell the first. ” This is the Yuan Dynasty scholar Wu Lai basil soup evaluation. Song and Yuan Dynasties in the summer, the royal imperial kitchen popular with a fresh basil stems and leaves prepared by the heat of summer drink - basil soup. Basil soup appetizers spleen, summer drink, can eliminate heat irritability. According to “Er Ya” description: “take (perilla fresh stems and leaves) research juice porridge, good, long service white body incense.” "As early as two thousand years ago,