
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyanmei
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解决行业产能过剩问题任重而道远,不合理的产业结构以及落后的生产方式亟待改变。行业产能过剩的现状据测算,建筑业每完成100元产值,便可带动相关产业130~150元的产出,建筑业的发展对国民经济起着巨大的带动作用;另外,建筑业在解决城乡人口的就业和社会稳定方面也做出了巨大的贡献。因而,作为国民经济支柱产业——建筑业的健康、稳定、有序发展对整个社会的稳定和经济发展起十分重要的作用。但是,尽管自八十年代改革开放以来,我国建筑业无论是技术水平还是管理水平都获得了长足发展,然而企业利润长期依赖规模扩张,企业创新力不足,劳动生产率、产值利润率长期徘徊在低水平,企业负债率居高不下,这直接制约了建筑业的健康发展。而之所以会发生这种状况,与国内建筑业生产方式落后、技术进步缓慢和人员素质整体水平不高有着直接的关系,但最终的决定因素还在于建筑行业产能过剩。 Solving the problem of overcapacity in the industry has a long way to go. Unreasonable industrial structure and backward production methods are in urgent need of change. According to the statistics, the output of the construction industry can reach 130-150 yuan per completed 100-yuan output value. The development of the construction industry plays an important role in driving the national economy. In addition, Population employment and social stability have also made tremendous contributions. Therefore, as a pillar industry of the national economy, the healthy, stable and orderly development of the construction industry plays an important role in the stability and economic development of the entire society. However, despite the rapid development of China’s construction industry both since its reform and opening up in the 1980s, its profit has long been dependent on the expansion of its scale and its lack of innovative power. Its labor productivity and output-value margins have been hovering at a low level Level, high debt ratio, which directly hampered the healthy development of the construction industry. The reason why this happens is that it has a direct relationship with the backward mode of production in the domestic construction industry, the slow technological progress and the low overall quality of personnel. However, the final determining factor lies in the overcapacity in the construction industry.