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薤(Allium chinensis G.Don)又名荞头、莜子或荞薯等,与蒜葱、韭等同属香辛类蔬菜,分类学上属百合科葱属的植物。荞头原产中国,自古栽培。而以南方各省较多。古时荞头多作为药用,根据本草纲目记载:“薤白为辛、苦、温、滑、无毒。主治金疮、败毒。轻身、不饥耐老。配伍可治多种疾病。”杜甫有薤诗一首“束比青刍色。园齐玉箸头,衰年关膈冷,味暖并无忧。”要义是言其有温补的功用。现代科学研究,荞头含有维生素C、碳水化合物和钠、磷、钙、铁等多种矿物质,以及硫胺素、抗血酸等多种成份,具有抗菌等多种医疗效果。它能预防和冶疗痢疾、蛔虫、肺肿、胸痹和食积腹胀等多种疾病。最近资料表明,大蒜、养头等都含有一种物质,能将人在日常食物中摄入的有害化学金属元素排出体外的功用,属现代健康食品之一。荞头多以糖、醋、盐渍作蔬菜食用。尤以糖醋荞头,味道鲜美,清脆可口,并有解烦暑、增食欲的功效。加工成罐头,销往港澳、日本、东南亚等国际市场,也颇受消费者的青睐。南昌荞头在法国巴黎国际食品博览会上还获得金奖。因此,做好荞头的开发 Allium chinensis G.Don, also known as buckwheat head, razor clam or buckwheat potato, and garlic onion, leek and other belong to the same class of spicy vegetables, taxonomic belongs to the Liliaceae allium plants. Buckwheat originated in China, cultivation since ancient times. In the southern provinces more. Ancient buckwheat more than as a medicinal, according to the Compendium of Materia Medica records: “Asparagus for the Xin, bitter, warm, slippery, non-toxic. Indications sores, detoxification. Light, not hunger and old. Compatibility can cure many diseases.” Du Fu There is a poetry poem “beam than green color. Park Qi Yu Yu head, the aging of the diaphragm cold, warm and worry-free.” Meaning is to say its warm up function. Modern scientific research, buckwheat head contains vitamin C, carbohydrates and sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and other minerals, and thiamine, acid and other ingredients, with antibacterial and other medical effects. It can prevent and treat dysentery, roundworms, lung cancer, chest distension and food accumulation abdominal distension and other diseases. Recent data show that garlic, nourishment and other substances contain a substance that can be taken in daily food intake of harmful chemical metals in vitro function, is one of the modern health food. Most buckwheat sugar, vinegar, salted vegetables for consumption. Especially sweet and sour buckwheat head, delicious, crisp and delicious, and relieve summer heat, increase appetite effect. Processed into canned food, sold to Hong Kong and Macao, Japan, Southeast Asia and other international markets, but also quite popular with consumers. Nanchang buckwheat head at the International Food Fair in Paris, France also won the gold medal. Therefore, do buckwheat head development
1992年的9月10日,对于张艾嘉来讲是一个新的里程碑。加拿大多伦多国际电影节以“电影节聚光焦点”活动之名专门为她举办了十部个人影片的 September 10, 1992 is a new mil